
Traditional Meat Processing

Traditional African Fruits

Traditional African Vegetables


African Food Revolution is a Non-Governmental Organization domiciled in Africa. The African Food Revolution (AFR)provides expertise and analysis of the traditional food sectors which are mainly domiciled in rural African villages. AFR looks at food production through the promotion and consumption of local indigenous foods. We concentrate on developing the new African village which is environmentally and food sustainable through amplification of traditional food systems using scientific acumen and a futuristic view to traditional African food. We delve into the practical solutions in developing new futuristic food systems which boost the gene base for our local indigenous foods. The whole concept encompasses animal husbandry, indigenous vegetable production, wildlife conservation and culture diversification through the concept of UBUNTU.


Feeding Africa from the villages


Is to use scientific,technological and human determinism to amplify food production units from the African village through sustainable production systems from the village to the hand which consumes.

Goals and Objectives

  • To be the definition and vision of traditional African food systems
  • To be the solution to any problem related to food production in African villages
  • To be the first port of call for issues regarding Food Laws and Food Safety in African villages
  • Smooth and Easy networking amongst various stakeholders
